Welcome to The Claw Recluse, the largest fansite on the internet for Monolith Productions' classic PC game Claw. Originally started as a hobby in 2004, the site is now home to a community that over two decades has modded the game, developed a new map editor, designed over 500 custom levels, created fan art, and set speedrun records. Thank you for visiting!
TCR is available in English, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Czech, Russian, Romanian, Arabic, and Hungarian.
1/02/25 With 36% of total votes, Orinoco Flow is the 2024 level of the year, followed by The Poisonous Caves and Hellish Halls at 21% and 14%, respectively. Congratulations to the designers: Andokai Camanis, BorisHR & TSxD, and Cold Flame. It was an excellent lineup overall, hopefully to be matched by 2025's. Speaking of which, Kaizo Roca by Virgin Snake has already kicked off the new year. Ever thought it would be fun to tackle harder versions of base Claw levels? Go ahead and take a look at this first part of a planned series.
17/01/25 There are two weeks left in the 2024 level of the year vote, so be sure to cast yours using our Discord bot before the end of January. Unable to try all nominated maps in time? No worries: full playthroughs have been recorded for most of them, just check the Custom Levels section.
29/12/24 The year may be drawing to a close, but we still have time for Andokai's final custom level of 2024: Crab Rave. Given the song it is named after, the tileset used should not come as a suprise... nor should the enemies. Good luck with those pesky crustaceans!
24/12/24 Merry Christmas! Just when we thought there would be no new levels released this time around, Cold Flame made a surprise comeback with Hellish Halls. Using primarily the Temple tileset, but combining it with some elements from others, it is his first one since mid-2021, and the longest so far. Have fun, and feel free to share feedback on Discord.
16/12/24 Following Pappy's recent discovery, dubbed Magic Paws, setting a new Claw speedrun record became not a matter of if, but when. Today, it finally happened as Pappy completed the game in just 37:40, beating Simpson1225's previous result by a full two minutes. Amazingly, there is still room for improvement, so keep track of new attempts.
7/12/24 TSxD's widescreen plugin for CrazyHook now supports also ultrawide resolutions (21:9 and 32:9). Thanks to Emoon for the update, and to FunkyFr3sh for troubleshooting some issues with cutscene playback. The plugin is now featured in our Downloads section, alongside another one by TSxD that adds quick save/load functionality (intended mainly for speedrunners to conveniently practice and experiment by storing the game state, including the current timestamp and cycles of elevators, ropes, toggle pegs and so on).
Take a look at Emoon's perfect score La Roca playthrough (plus the intro cutscene) in the Portuguese version of the game, running at a 21:9 aspect ratio.
11/11/24 Pappy has made a major discovery related to Claw speedruns: it turns out the Pause button enables precise frame skips, allowing for routinely performing double jumps.
5/11/24 TSxD has released a plugin for the CrazyHook mod that allows for playing Claw in a widescreen (16:9) resolution. While it has always been possible via the MPINCVID cheat, the game menu, loading screens etc. were previously restricted to their original 4:3 aspect ratio (besides, the code is considered a major cheat, preventing from saving progress). To install, simply extract the archive to your Claw folder, overwriting any existing files. If you want to disable the plugin, just remove the file WIDESCREEN.LUA in the PLUGINS subfolder.
3/11/24 New level by Andokai Camanis. Orinoco Flow is the first one in a long time to be based on the Shipyards, featuring a unique and quite varied take on the tileset. Of course, being named after a song (great choice there, by the way), it also continues the designer's tradition in that regard. Well worth checking out overall, so enjoy!
27/10/24 Another CrazyHook maintenance update, version fixes a rare bug that could occur while MPNDJ was active (thanks to Pappy for reporting).
11/10/24 CrazyHook was updated to v1.4.5.1, a minor release focusing on bug fixes.
On that note, the list of Claw cheat codes in our Game Help section was finally updated to include those added with the mod. Be sure to check it out, as there may be some you have not been aware of. MPALICE is a personal favorite.
6/10/24 Andokai Camanis is not slowing down and has just released his fifth level this year, and tenth overall: A Little Bit Off. Based on the Footpath tileset, it uses extra background layers fairly extensively, especially in the underground sections. Have fun!
29/09/24 The CrazyHook mod has received a major update, thanks to the tireless efforts of TSxD. Version brings dozens of changes, from behind-the-scenes improvements like reorganized code, to new features for level designers (including support for dynamically changing color palettes), to absolute game-changers like a save point system for custom levels. It also adds several new cheat codes and fixes some long-standing bugs. Thanks to MaximTGMX, Zax37, Pejti, wisztom, Garadares, and Andokai Camanis, who helped test it. For a detailed changelog, or to share your feedback, join our community on Discord.
23/08/24 Two more custom levels. Named after the Rupert Holmes song and based on the (seldom used recently) Tiger Island tileset, Pina Colada is Andokai Camanis' latest work. Meanwhile, Pejti is back with another highly experimental project called ClawoPiano. Yes, indeed: while patiently waiting for his upcoming Claw x Jazz Jackrabbit 2 crossover, we can now play the piano inside a custom level, because why the hell not.
14/08/24 One new level, Just Some PegLegs by Alex Serban. Originally made sometime back in 2010 but never released until now (in a revised version), it is relatively small-scale and reminiscent of the earlier days of Claw custom level design -- naturally, in a good way.
8/08/24 A major update in the gallery of TaurusII's amazing Claw art, plus more smaller improvements and some clean-up elsewhere in the Game Help, Fan Haven, Links, and Technical Support sections.
24/07/24 Joining the ever-growing list of levels released on July 24th is a long-awaited collaboration between Baron FQ and Renganathan. At over 300 KB, Lava Factory is now the third-largest custom level ever. While it does make light use of the CrazyHook mod to revamp a few Temple tiles, other than that it remains a top-quality, classic map. Have fun!
However, it is not the only recent one to use the level 14 tileset, so if you have not played Andokai's excellent Ring of Fire yet, be sure to check it out too. Note the unique circular layout: besides referencing the Johnny Cash song, it literally is designed as a ring of fire.
Meanwhile, since Claw's official trailer from 1997 is not exactly in high definition by today's standards, Apocalypse put together a new one. Watch it here.
16/07/24 Today marks the 20th anniversary of our website, or more precisely, of its major part: the Polish version of TCR originally set up and managed by Zuczek (the English one was started by Grey Cat in March 2005). On a somewhat related note, we are happy to announce a move to a new server that should offer much better download speeds.
22/04/24 Three new custom levels: Walk on Water by Andokai Camanis, his biggest and probably best one yet, The Big Treasure Chest from veteran designer Edd Brown, whose first maps date back more than 20 years, and last but not least, The Poisonous Caves by BorisHR (with some logics written by TSxD), a huge CrazyHook level primarily based on the Undersea Caves tileset, but mixing it with others, often in very unexpected ways. Enjoy!
1/02/24 Congratulations to TSxD, whose maps claimed both the first (Autumn, 52%) and the second spot (Arcana, 24%) in the level of the year vote. In third place with 10%, we have Mazy Mansions, originally started by Zuczek and completed by Renganathan.
The first level of the new year is Whiskey in the Jar by Andokai Camanis, continuing his tradition of naming them after song titles. Meanwhile, Foxhound_Veteran was kind enough to share with the community a high resolution scan of the Claw manual cover.
4/01/24 Voting is now underway for the best custom level of 2023, and if you need to refresh your memory, Renganathan prepared a video showcase featuring the nominees. Have fun watching and playing, pick your favorites, and then participate in the poll via our Discord bot (thanks to Feladr for managing it). Oh, and happy new year to all Claw fans!
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