Name Author Base Date Flags
Orinoco Flow Andokai Camanis 8 3/11/24
Port of Pain Cold Flame 8 1/01/21
Raid on the Spanish Armada wisztom 8 24/07/20
Evolution of Shipyards Renganathan 8 23/04/20
Back to Revenge Baronvontarkin 8 2/08/16
The End DzikenS 8 18/10/14
Biting Seagulls! v1.1 Bamboo 8 20/06/11
Freight Boats Tommouluss, Artur 8 16/08/10
Rope Ladder Journey Piotrek 8 8/06/09
Mystery of Shipyards First 8 30/01/08
Broadsides Proximity 8 24/12/07
Ghost Ship Edd Brown 8 11/12/07
Broken Bay Zuczek 8 23/08/07
Remora Harbor Grey Cat 8 18/02/07
Defeat Gabriel Dragonwik 8 26/11/05 None
Gabriel's Shipyard DzjeeAr 8 24/02/04
Huggerland Aaviashkar 8 31/10/03
Lanka Dahan: The Fall of Gabriel Mahesh 8 4/02/01
Gabriel's Last Call Freyashawk 8 8/07/98 None
Sailing Tward Antarctica Curtis Johnson 8 18/02/98

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