Welcome to The Claw Recluse, the largest fansite on the internet for Monolith Productions' classic PC game Claw. Originally started as a hobby in 2004, the site is now home to a community that over two decades has modded the game, developed a new map editor, designed over 500 custom levels, created fan art, and set speedrun records. Thank you for visiting!

TCR is available in English, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Czech, Russian, Romanian, Arabic, and Hungarian.

12/03/25 The second huge Dark Woods-based map in as many months, and the first one this year from 2024's top level designer Andokai Camanis, is here. So, without further ado: Welcome to the Jungle, we got fun and games...

10/03/25 Another month, another Claw speedrun record for Pappy: we are now down to a frankly unbelievable 36:08, and with some remaining room for improvement, too. You can watch Pappy's future attempts live on his Twitch and YouTube channels.

Meanwhile, Virgin Snake's extremely challenging rendition of base level 9, Kaizo Cove, was added to the Custom Levels section. Good luck!

25/02/25 Monolith Productions is no more: the studio behind Claw, No One Lives Forever, Blood, Shogo, and F.E.A.R. (to name a few) was dissolved by parent company WB Games today, bringing 31 years of history to an end. To all at Monolith past and present, thank you for the countless memories. May those affected by the closure find new opportunities soon.

16/02/25 Renganathan's first solo level since mid-2023, called Decisive Timberlands and based on the Dark Woods tileset, is now available. Meanwhile, Virgin Snake's series of more difficult, reimagined base game maps continues with Kaizo Footpath and Kaizo Woods.

8/02/25 Shaving nearly twenty seconds off his speedrun world record, which now stands at 37:22, Pappy improved it for the first (and, given the recent developments, likely not the last) time in 2025. Follow his runs on Twitch, usually livestreamed on weekends.

1/02/25 With 36% of total votes, Orinoco Flow is the 2024 level of the year, followed by The Poisonous Caves and Hellish Halls at 21% and 14%, respectively. Congratulations to the designers: Andokai Camanis, BorisHR & TSxD, and Cold Flame. It was an excellent lineup overall, hopefully to be matched by 2025's. Speaking of which, Kaizo Roca by Virgin Snake has already kicked off the new year. Ever thought it would be fun to tackle harder versions of base Claw levels? Go ahead and take a look at this first part of a planned series.

17/01/25 There are two weeks left in the 2024 level of the year vote, so be sure to cast yours using our Discord bot before the end of January. Unable to try all nominated maps in time? No worries: full playthroughs have been recorded for most of them, just check the Custom Levels section.


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