Name Author Base Date Flags
Kaizo Cove Virgin Snake 9 27/02/25
Whiskey in the Jar Andokai Camanis 9 27/01/24
Cannonballin' Old British Guy 9 6/03/23
Bricks Pejti 9 25/08/21
Mystic Depths v2.0 Cold Flame 9 19/09/20
Fizik Who 9 Fizik 9 11/06/19
Blackbeard's Cove F. A. 9 1/11/17
Small Refuge RatusGlobal 9 22/08/16
8+9 Nameless, DavEvg 9 12/08/11
Wreckage Teo phil, Zuczek 9 24/07/10
Claw: The Prisoner of Pirates' Cove Oleeks 9 17/10/08 None
Pirates' Hiding Place Johny_zakrencony 9 1/09/08
The Beach Edd Brown 9 21/10/07
Tide Time Zuczek, Proximity, Martin 9 16/09/07
High Noon Teo phil 9 24/07/07
Pirates' Beach DzikenS 9 27/01/07
Red Tail's Cove Dragonwik 9 12/11/05 None
Den of Thieves Grey Cat 9 14/05/05
Paradise Cove Finn Scheele 9 23/04/00
Cove of Illusions Freyashawk 9 13/08/98 None
Bright Sands of Death Freyashawk 9 25/06/98 None

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