Fangs: Complete Anthology

Name Author Base Date Flags
Bottom of the Well Fangs 1 11/03/99 None
Le Rauxe The Beaver Fangs 2 23/07/98 None
Bird Gang! Fangs 10 27/06/98 None
Bad Birds! Fangs 7 27/06/98 None
Help! Fangs 4 27/06/98 None
Brawl Bellow Fangs 6 27/06/98 None
Tarzan Fangs 3 27/06/98 None
Statues! Fangs 5 27/06/98 None
Elevators! Fangs 1 26/06/98 None
Crates! Fangs 1 26/06/98 None
Enchanted Forest Fangs 4 25/06/98 None
Merlin's Mansion Fangs 1 18/06/98
Die! Fangs 3 16/05/98 None

Levels designed: 13
Years active: 1998--1999
Total size: 216 KB

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