Name Author Base Date Flags
Demo Level #1 Monolith Productions 1 26/08/97
Demo Level #2 Monolith Productions 4 27/08/97
Le Rauxe's Citadel Adyo, ClawAurel11 2 8/01/08
Undergrander Adyo, ClawAurel11 3 2/01/08
In an Ancient Tree Alex 3 29/05/00
Floating Bush Alex 3 25/05/00 None
Cubicals Alex 1 17/05/00 None
Town Fight Alex 5 19/06/98 None
Defeat Le Rauxe Alex 2 12/06/98 None
My First Small Level Alex 1 25/04/98 None
Just Some PegLegs Alex Serban 10 14/08/24
Commandment of Thieves Alex Serban 3 14/10/20
Jailbrake AlphaGamma 1 3/04/99 None
Buddy Quest AlphaGamma 14 2/04/99 None
Le Rauxe Gets His AlphaGamma 2 29/03/99 None
Paradise AlphaGamma 3 27/03/99 None
Pshycoto AlphaGamma 5 27/03/99 None
A Chance to Run Away Andrew 1 10/06/11
Bamboo's Puzzles #2 Bamboo 8 31/07/12 None
Bamboo's Puzzles #1 Bamboo 1 17/06/12 None
You Are Fish Food Bamboo 11 16/06/12
Two Minutes for Treasure Hunt Bamboo 5 12/06/12 None
Let's See How Good You Are Bamboo 14 18/02/12
Loafing in the City Bamboo 6 25/12/11 None
Fight with Le Rauxe Clones! Bamboo 2 24/12/11 None
The Good Choice Bamboo 3 20/12/11 None
Escape from Execution Bamboo 1 20/12/11 None
Biting Seagulls! Bamboo 7 20/06/11
Ready or Not Baronvontarkin 3 26/09/16
Back to Revenge Baronvontarkin 8 2/08/16
Escape from Russia Baronvontarkin 1 22/07/16
Historic Avenues Brainy 6 25/02/08
Piratical Isles Brainy 13 1/02/08
Dungeons of Darkness Brainy 1 7/12/07
Footpath 1.0 Buczek 3 28/03/09 None
Old Way Buczek 1 8/02/09 None
Claw the King Builderman 2 25/02/19 None
Mountain Camp Captain Kitty 2 10/08/20
Party in Cliffs Captain Kitty 10 30/07/20
M the W Cathy 3 20/08/05
Picnic with Claw Ceyda Ozkaya 3 12/03/07
Prison Corridors Claw of Spades 1 3/07/17
Big Cottage Danio 1 11/08/09
Echoing Tunnel v1.1 Danio, Tommouluss, Artur 3 1/01/08
The Capitol called Puerto Lobo Dragonwik 6 28/12/05 None
Escape La Roca Dragonwik 2 23/12/05 None
The Underground Part 2 Dragonwik 12 23/12/05
Find Final Gem Dragonwik 14 16/12/05
Le Rauxe's Prison Dragonwik 1 10/12/05 None
Defeat Gabriel Dragonwik 8 26/11/05 None
The Underground Part 1 Dragonwik 11 18/11/05 None
A Town near Puerto Lobo Dragonwik 5 12/11/05 None
Red Tail's Cove Dragonwik 9 12/11/05 None
Damp Place Evgeniy 1 25/03/10
Blackbeard's Cove F. A. 9 1/11/17
Ciudad del Wolvington FenekUshi 6 1/02/12
Suburbia FenekUshi 5 24/08/11
Mysterious Forest FenekUshi 4 3/04/11
Path of Fright FenekUshi 3 19/12/10
Escape from La Roca Part 2 FenekUshi 2 22/11/10
Escape from La Roca Part 1 FenekUshi 1 17/10/10 None
Christmas Eve Adventure Fjordsson 7 1/12/23
Run of the Tiger Fjordsson 14 31/01/18
Ancient Cave of Light Frost Impact 12 3/06/18
Super Claw FrozenMoose 2 17/07/17
Azure Prison (11+1) FrozenMoose 11 26/05/17
Fight Arena 14 FrozenMoose 14 7/03/11
Jail FrozenMoose 1 7/03/11
Nightmare Fsk, FFK, Gizella 2 6/03/18
The Peaceful Island Gabriel 13 8/08/16
One Man Assault 2 Henrik 2 26/08/01
Spider-Claw Henrique Lorenzi 14 21/01/23
Caves on Tiger Island Huge 13 26/06/07
Dant2 Hugo Dantas 2 28/11/02
Liberdade Afinal! Hugo Dantas 2 19/11/02 None
Mouse Forest Jarek 4 18/03/07 None
Lost in the Forest Jeremy 3 22/11/03 None
Underwater Corridors Johny_zakrencony 12 6/08/09
Pirates' Hiding Place Johny_zakrencony 9 1/09/08
Green Town Johny_zakrencony 5 20/08/08
Chameleon's Island Johny_zakrencony 13 1/06/08 None
The Death's Footpath Jose Arenas Haro 3 21/09/00 None
La Mar Jose Arenas Haro 7 13/02/00
El Roca Jose Arenas Haro 1 10/12/99 None
Secret Dungeon Juanjo 1 8/03/22 None
Twin Trees Kaap' 3 13/03/09 None
An Adventure Katherine 3 26/07/06 None
A Dungeon Katherine 1 26/06/06 None
Easter Kennie 1 16/04/06 None
Hunter Street Kent 6 5/04/08 None
Training with Me! Kent 1 24/03/08 None
Update Dog Women khidhr 1 6/11/05
The Best 3 kosmichal 3 3/11/08
Marrow Pyramid Kostek 10 4/04/08 None
The Dark Journey KuMadzia 4 22/07/13
La RockaRolla KuMadzia 1 14/03/13
The Thousand Towers Leprichaun 2 28/07/23
Horror Leveshall 12 5/07/14
Mount Everest Leveshall 10 23/06/11
Gold Cliff Leveshall 10 1/04/11 None
Legend Lord_Crusare 1 27/08/09
Snail Lord Louxe 1 21/04/07 None
Szymek 01 Lord Louxe 1 31/01/07 None
Coins Lord Louxe 1 26/01/07 None
The Castle Lord Louxe 1 18/01/07 None
Wind Battle Maco 2 3/06/08 None
Cannon Play MagicEye, Nouveu 2 6/03/11
Lanka Dahan: The Fall of Gabriel Mahesh 8 4/02/01
The Palace Mari, DzikenS 1 23/02/07
Rock of Death Martin 10 24/07/06 None
Claw's Dream Martin 2 18/07/06 None
Fort Martin 2 25/05/06 None
Town Martin 5 25/05/06
Hell Martin 14 9/05/06 None
Boss Le Rauxe Mr Cat 2 2/05/04 None
Pirates' Lair Mzged 10 23/10/21
Cultist Island Nameuser 13 5/03/23
Canyon of Despair Nameuser 10 4/12/18
Le Port de Coolness No 6 6/01/06 None
Wanted: Claw Ogier11, Johny_zakrencony 6 20/09/08
Secret Cavern Ogier11, Zuczek 11 3/01/08
Castle LeRauxe Ogier11 2 8/12/07 None
POWER2 Ogier11 2 1/12/07
Cannonballin' Old British Guy 9 6/03/23
A Hell of a Ride Old British Guy 14 7/07/22
Obsidian Mines Old British Guy 3 13/06/22
Enterspace Oleeks 13 29/08/09
Return of Hitler Oleeks, Tommouluss 14 4/04/09
Death Tree Oleeks, Tommouluss 3 16/01/09
Wooden Castle Oleeks, Tommouluss 2 7/01/09
The Mystic Locker No. 666 v1.1 Oleeks 1 18/12/08 None
Claw: The Prisoner of Pirates' Cove Oleeks 9 17/10/08 None
11 Skeletons pehapx 2 20/02/10
Bushy Trip Piotrek 3 17/06/09
Rope Ladder Journey Piotrek 8 8/06/09
Tajemnicza Dzungla Piotrek 13 14/01/09
Dungeon Maze Pitek999 1 8/02/12
Dark Dungeons Pitek999 1 6/11/10
Town at Night Pitek999 5 31/10/10
The Guantatraz Prison PW 1 26/01/07
Forest of Hidden Treasures RatusGlobal 4 29/03/18
Small Refuge RatusGlobal 9 22/08/16
Forest of Treasures Ravic 3 5/01/21
Rivendells 1st Go Rivendells Holdings 1 13/03/09
Nao Deixe Claw Morrer Rogerio Luiz Korosi 1 15/02/03 None
Trilha do Claw Rogerio Luiz Korosi 3 26/05/01
Fim da Floresta Rogerio Luiz Korosi 4 13/12/00
Trilha da Liberdade Rogerio Luiz Korosi 3 27/11/00 None
Fugindo da Prisao Rogerio Luiz Korosi 1 13/08/00 None
RogerClaw 1 Rogerio Luiz Korosi 1 20/07/00 None
Eisse Grotten Roman Okulist 11 12/10/15
La Roca's Secrets Shaggy 1 21/07/05
Demon's Isle Steven Higa 13 23/08/98
Raux Battle Steven Higa 2 4/08/98 None
Ladders Sudarshan Suresh 2 5/01/00 None
The Shortest Level Sudarshan Suresh 2 24/12/99 None
Don't Fall! (warp version) Sudarshan Suresh 3 13/11/99 None
Fort Raltinia 2 Sudarshan Suresh 2 24/10/99 None
RedStone Edges Part 1 TaBrad 14 6/05/13
Escape to Freedom Tomek077 1 24/11/06
Escape to Freedom (Re-Edit) Tomek077 1 24/11/07
Wrong Way TomekW 1 3/05/08
Mar del Plata Beach Tomillo 5 17/01/11
The Cliffs of Death Totsev 10 28/02/01
The Diamond Mines Violetxp 3 2/11/10
In the Hands of the Bandits Violetxp 4 2/11/10
Kaizo Cove Virgin Snake 9 27/02/25
Kaizo Woods Virgin Snake 4 8/02/25
Kaizo Footpath Virgin Snake 3 3/02/25
Kaizo Roca Virgin Snake 1 25/01/25
Storm the Castle Will 2 14/01/01 None
Marrow's Death Will 10 27/06/98 None
Will Rulz Will 1 15/06/98
Poszukiwanie Amuletu Wmos17 1 9/02/18
Floating Islands of Wealth XCVZXC 3 29/03/19
The Nest of Pirates XCVZXC 10 8/04/18
Hidden Prison XeRo9009 1 5/07/06 None
Le Rauxe's Death Lair XeRo9009 2 2/05/04 None
Bosque de la Muerte Yuls 3 11/08/11
Pyramyde Zax37 3 18/01/09
RocaEscape Zax37 1 15/01/09
Secret Temple Zeus 14 12/05/01

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